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GeoweaselGeoweasel is an online cartoon series created by Niko Anesti. The show centers around The Big Weas and an "organization" he put together to one day propel him towards his dream of world domination, run out of a shack outside of Atro City. His troop consists of his friends Nar, Jimbob, and Mitri, who tend to accidentally deter his plans or throw everything off track entirely. With his incompetent minions and rivals such as Dr. Schnoz or The Janitizer trying to stop him, will Weas ever achieve his dream and become the ultimate world ruler? Watch and find out!

The Big Weas
Commonly referred to as simply "Weas," he is the leader and mastermind behind the Geoweasel organization. His dream is to one day rule the world, but people keep getting in the way, including his so-called "troops." He wears a hood with ears and a long fake mustache to pull off the image of an actual Weasel, but most people think he's a weird cat or something.
Easily characterized by his enormous nose (or is it his face?), Nar is the technology wiz of the group. He enjoys video games, computers, and for some reason, he really likes keytars. Despite his computer know-how, he lacks basic common sense.
Mitri is Nar's younger brother who begged to join the group when they first began. He is very short and often gets on Nar's and Weas' nerves, but every now and then, he proves to be useful when he discovers obvious things that the other Weasels overlook.
Jimbob is a long-time friend of Weas even though Jim is responsible for most of his annoyance. He not only has a short attention span, but also a short fuse, often getting angry at simple things. He is often seen hanging out with Mitri.
One of the few females that would give attention to any of the Weasels, Sapphire is Nar's girlfriend (by force). She is normally quiet and reasonable which causes her to get overshadowed most of the time.
Dr. Schnoz
The Weasels' main rival, Dr. Schnoz, is a cynical and forgetful floating lizard head. Ever since he lost his body, he too has been seeking world domination and often attempts to lure The Weasels into his clutches to keep them from interfering.
Built by Dr. Schnoz to be his evil minion, Robospaz is an uncaring robot who malfunctions frequently. He hates being Dr. Schnoz's lackey and would much rather go off and live his own life.

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And here's what other people are saying about Geoweasel!

"Have you ever followed a band from its humblest beginnings just because you liked the cut of their jib? You knew they weren't there yet, but you knew that if they played their cards right, they could be one of your favorite bands? For me, that's Geoweasel. Mind you, I respect anyone who can make a finished cartoon on their own, but I've watched Geoweasel go from being a mildly interesting animated fixer-upper to a genuinely funny cartoon with a unique, loose and simple drawing style. It's only going to get better, so if you're just finding Geoweasel for the first time, hang on and enjoy the ride!"
--Kyle Carrozza, cartoonist

"...there’s no doubt that [Niko is] on his way to becoming a force in the animation industry. Check out his web series “Geoweasel”. He comes up with really original ways of making cartoon people move around."
--Dan Meth, cartoonist, animator, and director

"GEO-Weasel is a geniunely funny web-toon, which never fails to crack a smile on my face. It has even been one of the main factors inspiring me of wanting to become a flash animator."
--Sean A., fan

"No other animator has gained so much support for independent internet-type animation without even creating anything for several years!"
--Paul Kowalewski, friend and Geoweasel contributor

"GEOweasel is starts out with the same core basics as Bonus Stage: a webtoon with limited animation, primarily focused on the voice acting and humor. Admitted, GEOweasl doesn't live up to the animation standards of Bonus Stage, but it has a unique and very dry, geeky sense of humor that is, quite frankly, pretty rare. It also tends to break the fourth wall a lot, but that's no problem for this show. Admirable is that Niko, the creator of the series, remains true to the classic technique of frame by frame animation, combined with old school 8-bit music (that he composes himself)."
--Arjen Lamé, cartoonist

"I've watched several of your Geoweasel's, your skills really improve as you go and they are pretty silly as well!"
--Pringle, animator and creator of Prophet Buddy

"The episodes have good structure in terms of plot and executions and I can honestly say that there were more than a few moments where I laughed out loud....there is some great comedic timing and the jokes themselves are often completely unexpected."
--Charles Kenny, cartoon enthusiest

"i need like a million sequals before i will be satisfied"
--LordXantos, average internet user

"I currently exist on a 28k dial-up modem. For a typical media file of some sort to load it takes approximatly 30 to 40 minutes. And keep in mind, most of my friends enjoy sending me video links and a "Whoops, sorry, you have dial-up." Enter Niko Anesti's Geoweasel. Granted, it still takes about ten minutes to load a toon, but at least I know what I'm getting. A humerous short that will cause me to laugh/giggle/titter/guffaw/lol and on one occasion cry from laughter. So watch this webtoon, with it's irreverent humor and character designs that look like they were borrowed from C. H. Greenblatt's doodle pad."
--David C. Edwards, cartoonist

What program(s) do you use to animate?
All the cartoons were made with some version of Macromedia/Adobe Flash. Specifically, all episodes were made in Flash 5 up to and including "An Apple A Day," save for "The Dark Storm," which used Flash MX 2004. All subsequent episodes use Flash 8, and there are some very old animations that are likely still hanging around the net somewhere that used Flash 4.

Who does the animation in your cartoons?
I animate all of the cartoons myself. Currently, no one else helps with the animation, and I don't have plans to get more animators for the series right now.

Who does all the voices?
I do all the main voices myself because it's just easier, but other people have been kind enough to lend their voice talents to the cartoon for other characters such as Dr. Schnoz, Andy, Garadrobe, Santa, etc. If there's ever a time where I don't do a voice, it will be noted in the credits of that episode.

How did you learn to draw/animate?
Observation and endless practice. I learned to draw just by watching a lot of cartoons and reading comics over the years and I eventually developed my own style. I never had a teacher or used any "how-to" books to learn how to draw cartoons (they don't work anyway). As for learning how to animate in Flash, I just taught the program to myself; I didn't have a long enough attention span to follow a tutorial or read a manual, so I just played around for a while. The only downside to that is I actually didn't know for several weeks that you could draw right in Flash. That's pretty embarrassing.

When will there be a new episode?
I have had many long breaks in between episodes from the beginning, most of the time due to personal issues. The series started out with the intention of having a new episode each week, but that caught up to me very fast. Currently, there is no fixed update schedule for the show, but I am trying to get back to doing it each week.

Can I use Geoweasel characters in my own works?
It depends what you're doing exactly. Naturally, you can draw the characters whenever you want and show whoever you want as fanart (so long as you're not claiming them as your property), but Geoweasel cannot be used for any commercial content. If you're unsure about this, you can get more information about the copyright here.

Why are the characters' voices different in "Virus"?
That cartoon was made back when I was still trying to put out episodes on a weekly basis. I couldn't record any lines in time because I was sick, so I threw that filler episode up with Nick Tiner doing all the characters' voices.

Where can I get The Fine Thing Collection DVD?
Nowhere. It was made for promotional uses, and only 25 copies exist (well, 26 if you count the master disk, which I have). They were given to friends, some local fans, colleagues, and family.

Can you animate something for me?
A decent number of people have asked me this before and I have thought about offering commissions, but currently, I cannot. I'm still getting back into the swing of things after a long hiatus from animating, so the main reason I don't offer commissions is because I can't guarantee that I'll have enough time to get around to the project. Maybe someday in the future...

Will you ever put Geoweasel on TV?
While I would love to see any of my own cartoons on TV animated by professionals, I don't have much control over that sort of thing. I can put together a pitch, present it, and hope that it is liked, but I have no plans to do that, at least not now. And I'm not so sure that Geoweasel would work well on TV. Not in its current state, anyway. So I wouldn't really get your hopes up.

Geoweasel and all related characters are copyright 2002 - 2014 by Niko Anesti. Please do not use material without consent from the creator.
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Questions or comments? Contact me at niko@cartoonsdammit.com.
Creative Commons License
Geoweasel by Niko Anesti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.